
4 Tips to Keep Your Child's Smile Merry & Bright

4 Tips to Keep Your Child's Smile Merry & Bright Photo

Avoiding Dental Issues Over the Holidays

It’s the holiday season! There are so many fun events and yummy treats to eat — but the worst way to end the holidays and start the new year is with dental pain. Here are a few tips to help your little one avoid any discomfort so you can take in this season together:

1. Stay Away from Sugar & Hard Candies

Who doesn’t love a candy cane or two during the holidays? But, chewing on hard candies and other tough or sticky snacks can lead to cracked enamel, which can impact your little one’s oral health as well their braces, fillings, or crowns.

Overall, your child should try to avoid as much sugar as possible — but we know this is hard with so many holiday treats to eat. Sugar turns into acid that then eats away the protective coating on your mini-me’s teeth, making them more vulnerable to cavities.

Also, kids and teens are more susceptible to tooth decay than adults because their enamel is not fully developed and less resistant to the acid. This means that even though they may enjoy their Christmas cookies, you should limit their sugar intake on a daily basis.

Foods to Avoid With Braces

Additionally, here are a few foods your child should avoid with their braces:

  • Ice
  • Hard candies
  • Whole nuts
  • Crunch biscuits
  • Beer jerky
  • Caramel
  • Chewing gum
  • Popcorn kernels
  • Meat off the bone

If you have any questions about what your little one can and cannot eat with braces, ask us at your next appointment!

2. Make Sure They Drink Plenty of Water

Did you know that on average, it’s easier to get dehydrated over the cooler winter months than the sweltering summer months? This is because as the temperatures dwindle down, we lose the sensation of being hot and thirsty — and we drink less water. Drinking plenty of water is not only good for your little one’s overall wellbeing, it helps to keep the teeth and gums hydrated and removes food particles from the mouth.

Trying to inspire your little one to drink more water? Consider a reusable cup with holiday characters on it to get them excited!

3. Don’t Let Them Use Their Teeth as a Tool

We all know the feeling of waking up on Christmas morning and wanting to rip open the gifts under the tree! However, make sure your little one doesn’t use their teeth as the tool for the job. Opening packaging can cause chips, cracks, and other damage.

4. Don’t Forget Daily Dental Hygiene

Pro tip: let your little ones know that those who brush and floss daily stay on Santa’s good list! With all of the excitement, it can be easy for your child to forget about their dental hygiene routine. Whether that means playing festive music while brushing or getting them a new toothbrush for their stocking, inspire your little one to take care of their smile.

Start Your Child’s Journey at Total Kids Dental

We hope you and your family have a happy and healthy holiday season! The best way to start a new year and end the holidays? Taking care of scheduling your little one’s dental cleaning At Total Kids Dental, we go above and beyond patient expectations by creating a space where children feel heard, respected, and safe.

Our compassionate dentist, along with our leading and compassionate staff, provide children with the following benefits:

  • Gentle & easy-to-understand treatments.
  • Honest and personable communication.
  • Playful, creative, and interactive atmosphere.
  • Bilingual staff (Farsi & Spanish).
  • A trusted team of providers.

Contact our team today to schedule your child’s first appointment!

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